More ways to fuel your family with high protein, low-sugar foods.
My cookbooks were birthed from situations I didn’t expect to fall into. My first book was formed out of a health blog I consistently worked on for over a year. While I was working on that blog, I was receiving requests from followers to save all of my posts and turn them into a cook book to help keep folks on track with their nutrition plans.
My second book was inspired by a serious case of strep throat I came down with. I was so sick, I wasn’t able to work, and I hated it! I knew there had to be another way, and through improving my nutrition I got better. I started reaching out to clients and personal trainers for healthy recipes they would feed their families.
My third book came from my clients needing more ideas on how to take basic ingredients and make them taste great.
My fourth cookbook is inspired by my daughter Sophie and is the story that inspired me to start Sophie’s Bakery.

During Sophie’s first week of school in the 1st grade, she had trouble staying awake in class and actually fell asleep two times in the first week. Turns out the snacks she was eating didn’t have enough protein in them to keep her fueled. I decided to create a clean protein muffin for her, something that would provide her with protein, good fat, and quality low-sugar carbs to keep her awake and focused in class. She loved it!
I kept on experimenting with different recipes and came up with a few variations of high protein, low-sugar snacks, tried them out on Sophie and my husband, and they loved them! These recipes are great options to fuel your family, and keep them happy and feeling great. Our baked goods are perfect for school, on the go, or for a quick snack between meals.

Enjoy these recipes. Honor God with the choices you make with your food and the food for your family.
Whether you’ve just begun your journey toward health or have a dietary restriction looking for yummy baked goods that you can eat, Sophie’s Bakery is for you! Subscribe to our mailing list to stay updated on new bakery items, recipes, and sales!